In-store displays have not rebounded from the pandemic. In fact, stores have lost 10 placements on average since 2018. But retailers and manufacturers can use displays to inspire consumers, especially as traditional promotions aren’t delivering anticipated lift. This report helps you uncover display trends and identify opportunities on merchandise investments by reframing displays. 


  • As retailers cleared space for a safe shopping environment, displays were lost compared to pre-pandemic. Additional declines have been observed recently. 
  • Grocery inflation is about 30% above 2019, and displays are less productive at influencing consumer spend and not reflective of emerging trends.
  • Compared to last year, general food, alcoholic beverages, and beauty lost the most displays. 
  • Display locations secured in Q1 are more likely to remain secure in Q2 and Q3. This is critical for categories that do well during spring and summer months.